Simplify Contribution Collection with NIKKI

Simplify Contribution Collection with NIKKI

Het logo van NIKKI, een oranje cirkel waar in het midden NIKKI staat.
November 21, 2024

Managing contribution collection doesn’t have to feel like herding cats. For many organizations, it’s a time-consuming chore, yet it’s the lifeblood of their activities. Here’s a statistic to put things into perspective: organizations lose up to 20% of their expected contributions due to delays or inefficiencies in payment systems. That’s funding for your programs, maintenance, and future growth slipping through the cracks.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Enter NIKKI, your ultimate ally in streamlining contribution collection. Imagine a system where dues are paid on time, your members have flexible payment options, and your administrative burden is reduced. It’s not just about collecting payments—it’s about creating a seamless, professional experience for both your organization and its members.

In this blog, we’ll dive into how NIKKI revolutionizes contribution collection. From intuitive systems to proactive follow-ups, we’ll show you how to maximize efficiency while minimizing stress. Whether it’s membership dues, subscription fees, or club contributions, NIKKI has got you covered.

Ready to unlock a smoother process? Let’s explore how NIKKI makes contribution collection effortless.

Providing member data: Your starting point

The NIKKI process starts with submitting your member list. We offer two easy methods to make this step seamless:

  • Integration with Sportlink: Enter your members into the Sportlink system. With a single click, you can transfer outstanding contributions into the NIKKI system for processing.
  • Excel Template: Use NIKKI’s pre-formatted template to input and send member data. This template ensures accuracy and simplicity when uploading your list.

The NIKKI journey: From day one to payment collection

Day 1: Email with payment options
Once member data is uploaded, NIKKI sends an email to members offering three payment options:

  1. Full payment: Members pay their dues in one lump sum, free of additional fees.
  2. Installment plan: Members can choose to spread payments over 8 or 10 installments, with a 10% service fee (capped at €19).
  3. Third-party assistance: Eligible members can apply for funding through external sources, such as the Youth Fund for Sports & Culture, by notifying NIKKI directly.

Day 5: First payment deadline
Members must make their first payment by day 5, either as a full payment or the initial installment. If payment isn’t received, NIKKI sends a reminder email on day 10.

Day 26: Proactive follow-ip
If payments remain outstanding after reminders, NIKKI’s trained team follows up with a friendly phone call to address issues and resolve delays.

Throughout the payment term, members receive automated reminder emails five days before and after each payment deadline to encourage timely contributions.

Monthly warnings for non-payment
On the 20th of each month, members with overdue payments receive an email warning of potential suspension of their membership unless payments are made promptly.

Pre-collection notices
Members who fail to pay for three consecutive terms (three months) receive a pre-collection notice on the 20th of the month. If no action is taken within 15 days, organizations can transfer these cases to NIKKI’s partner, CollectMasters, for further processing.

Weekly contributions to your organization

NIKKI ensures that your organization receives contributions on a weekly basis. Regular payouts reduce delays and errors in financial transactions, helping your organization maintain its financial stability.

A transparent fee structure simplifies the process further. During the first payment, NIKKI deducts a service fee, providing clear insights into costs for all parties.

Comprehensive evaluations

Quarterly reports
Every quarter, your organization receives a detailed financial overview via email. These reports offer valuable insights into your performance and highlight areas that need attention.

Annual evaluations
At the end of the year, NIKKI conducts a comprehensive evaluation of the past season. Successes, challenges, and opportunities for improvement are analyzed to set actionable goals for the future.

Why choose NIKKI for contribution collection?

1. Professional call team
When members miss payments, NIKKI’s skilled call team steps in. Trained in professional yet approachable communication, they reach out to members to resolve issues swiftly, reducing delinquency rates.

2. Dedicated relationship manager
Every organization working with NIKKI is assigned a personal relationship manager who understands your specific needs. They’re always available to assist and optimize your contribution process.

3. Convenient payment options
NIKKI provides members with an iDEAL payment link—a secure and trusted method that ensures quicker transactions. Members can also choose flexible installment plans, easing financial strain and reducing non-payments.

4. Real-time online dashboard
Stay in control with NIKKI’s online dashboard. Track payments, send reminders, and monitor outstanding balances—all from one intuitive platform.


Contribution collection no longer has to be a time-consuming challenge. With NIKKI, your organization benefits from a streamlined, transparent, and efficient process. Whether you’re managing membership dues, subscription fees, or club contributions, NIKKI handles it all with ease.

Ready to transform your contribution process? Contact NIKKI today and discover how we can support your organization’s financial health and growth.

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Contributie innen: Compleet beeld voor verenigingen

Het innen van contributie is een essentieel onderdeel van het beheer van een vereniging. Het zorgt voor de benodigde financiële middelen om activiteiten te organiseren, faciliteiten te onderhouden en de algemene werking van de vereniging te garanderen. In dit artikel zullen we diepgaand ingaan op de verschillende aspecten van contributie innen, inclusief de beste praktijken, veelvoorkomende uitdagingen en oplossingen, en hoe moderne technologieën zoals automatische incasso en online betalingen het proces kunnen verbeteren.

Hoe je jouw ledenadministratie kan optimaliseren

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Wat doe je met een niet betalend lid?

Bij NIKKI streven we ernaar om alle leden tevreden te houden en problemen snel op te lossen. Soms komt het voor dat een lid zijn contributie niet betaalt. Hoe ga je hiermee om? In deze blogpost bespreken we hoe we bij NIKKI persoonlijk contact opnemen met deze leden, hen naar de juiste instanties doorverwijzen indien nodig, en altijd onze beleidsregels volgen.

Ontvang een e-mail met alle informatie over NIKKI.

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Ontzorg jouw club vandaag nog!

Ontzorg jouw vereniging vandaag nog met de uitgebreide oplossingen van NIKKI voor contributie-inning, zakelijk beheer en administratie. NIKKI is erop gericht financiële drempels te verlagen en onnodige tijdverspilling te minimaliseren!

Voetbalveld waarop de bal wordt afgetrapt